Frequently Asked Question
All the questions you have been burning to ask but hesitant to!
We specialise in Latin Partner Dance – specifically Salsa, Bachata and related sub-genres. We also have classes for West Coast Swing dance. We offer group classes, social parties, and a whole lot more.
Do you need a partner to join the classes?
Short answer – no. Basically during the partner-work sessions, we rotate partners, ensuring that everyone learns together. This is a best-practice used in many partnered dance style classes around the world.
I am an absolute beginner - do you have classes for me?
No prior dance experience is needed to join our Beginner classes. They are meant for absolute beginners.
What is the fastest way to become a better dancer?
Practice. Practice. Practice. How much time do you need to learn – 20 hours. The 20-hour rule is a learning technique that suggests you can learn a new skill by practicing it for 20 hours. The rule is based on the idea that with focused practice, you can become reasonably competent in a new skill in about 20 hours. This revolutionary idea was popularised by author and leadership consultant, Josh Kaufman.
What are the differences between group classes, open floor and social/parties?
Our group classes, are structured, progressive, instructor led sessions in a proper studio environment. The open floors are conducted in our party venues, – the first hour being designated beginner hour. Students get to practice what they have learned in class with their peers in an informal setting, usually with a few experienced dancers present to help out.
Our weekly social nights are fun-filled events, with experienced DJs playing for the crowd so that people can dance and have fun. Both relative beginners and more experienced dancers join in and everyone typically dance with everyone.
I want to loose weight, get fitter, can I achieve my fitness goals through dance?
Dance is a complete package – giving you a both mind-body boost. Research studies show that certain physical activities not only make you healthier, but also strengthen your neural connections, and even form new brain activities – all of which serves to help you become fitter, healthier, happier, and protect against age related cognitive decline. Having said that, if you have a very specific fitness goal, or want to loose a certain amount of weight – there are other activities that are better suited – like aerobics, running, swimming, yoga, or weight training.
How long does it take to learn to dance?
From zero to a basic level of competence – it will take you at least 20 hours of correct progressive learning that is reinforced by regular revisions. Our L1 class is designed with this in mind. Beyond that, if you want to learn more, we do have intermediate and advanced levels as well.
What age groups do you accept in your classes?
Our classes are for adults. A typical batch will have a wide range of people, from people just starting in their careers, to mid-level executives, home-makers, business owners, doctors, lawyers, retiree-couples, you name it.
Our minimum age cut-off is 18 – there is no maximum limit. On occassion we do accept students who are younger, as long as they are acompanyed by a parent or guardian.
How do I register for the classes?
Just fill out the pre-registration form to block your spot for an upcoming new batch, and show up for the class.

Do you have more question?
Your question is not answered here? Just WhatsApp us or drop a note and we will address it promptly. Note that we are very responsive on WhatsApp.